(Jet WMH Tool Group) BD-8 Metal Lathe Diameter 20/450 mm
Producer website Data sheet
(Located at Airlab Lambrate).
How to use
This is a short manual that describes how to use this tool. The manual came out from the course held in 2009. Note that only the people that have followed that course are allowed to use such machine!
Power on/off
If you are allowed to use the lathe use you personal key to switch on the general supply.
Switch the square button on the bottom part of the control panel to power on/off the lathe. The red Rounded botton sorrounded by a yellow circle is used for Emergency STOP. If something is going wrong press it quicly to stop the lathe. Rotate to unblok the lathe.
6 Oval buttons under the display are used for:
- I(green): start the movement
- O(red): stop the movement
- Up arrow / Down arrow: Invert the rotation movement
- + / - : Adjust the rotation speed. The speed depends on the material to work and to the type of lavoration: 300g/m for a rough lavoration, 600 g/m for a fine lavoration. 300g/m is good for Iron, Alluminium. For plastic, very slow rotation with high longitudinal velocity.
Refrigerant liquid is used only for strong material like stell. Do not use on alluminium
There exists a control to disconnect the part which keep the piece from the motor but it unuseful.
Lathe controls
A typical way to use the late is characterized by the following steps:
- placd the piece to work
- Move longitudinally close to the piece
- Fine tuning: Do a first fine work to make the zero. This mean goin in and then out removin a little part of material. When the tool is out of the piece, reset measuring instruments. Move the control again to the desired step (i.e 2mm), to the work.
Remember that for a manual movement use both hands to rotate slowly the control. For an automatic movement remember to adjust correctly the control, since the same lever is used to perform the longitudinal or the orizzontal movement.
If the tool is goog enough only small pieces of materia are cutted away. Long pieces of material means that we are not using a good tool, it can broke suddenly. Stop the work and prepare the tool with a specific machine(TODO)