Airpaper (authentication needed) is the repository of papers written at Airlab.
It is based on Subversion; you can find some help in configuring Subversion in the Configuring Subversion page, but you don't need the key and Ssh part as Airpaper uses Http authentication. is the repository Url when you checkout your working copy.
You have to be added as a user to the project by one of the administrators, even if you already are a user of Dei's Savane. Administrators currently are: Bernardo Dal Seno, Matteo Matteucci. (New administrators, please add your names here)
This is a partial structure of the repository:
- bci: BCI-related stuff
- common: common stuff
- bib: bibliography (Bibtex files, databases and styles)
- images: obvious
- wheelchair: Lurch-related stuff
All files related to a paper should be contained in one directory; please use a name that is clear and begins with a year, e.g., 2009_Science, 2010_Nature_Higgs
For administrators
To add a new user, do the following:
- Login to with your Dei account
- Issue the command
htpasswd -m /var/www/trac/airpaper/conf/htpasswd <new_user_name>
and type the new user's password when asked. Substitute <new_user_name> with the username of your choice; it doesn't have to be one of Savane users. Please notice that users have no chance to change passwords by themselves.
- If the new user must be able to write or modify new content, edit the file /var/www/trac/airpaper/conf/authz and add the new user to the authors group. You'll find something like this:
[groups] authors = dduck, mmouse, goofy