PEKeB: a PiezoElectric KeyBoard
From AIRWiki
Part 1: project profile
Project name
PEKeB - A PiezoElectric KeyBoard
Project short description
PEKeB is a keyboard with some touch key based on PiezoElectric technology. It will have two different interface, an USB and an Ethernet one, for using it remotely by his IP address.
Start date: 2008/10/15
End date: Hopefully, March 2009
People involved
Project head
Prof.ssa Giuseppina Gini - User:GiuseppinaGini
Other Politecnico di Milano people
Ing. Paolo Belluco - User:PaoloBelluco
Students currently working on the project
C. Graziano Laginestra - User:ClementeLaginestra
Laboratory work and risk analysis
Laboratory work for this project will be mainly performed at AIRLab/Lambrate. It will include significant amounts of mechanical work as well as of electrical and electronic activity. Potentially risky activities are the following:
- Use of mechanical tools. Standard safety measures described in Safety norms will be followed.
- Use of soldering iron. Standard safety measures described in Safety norms will be followed.
Part 2: project description
The project is composed by: