SMW Project Workflow
This page explains how to use the AIR wiki to benefit from its semantic capabilities following a typical Project Lifecycle (from its proposal to its end).
Project Proposal
When a Tutor (Professor, PhD Student or Researcher) has a Proposals of course or thesis projects for students he could submit it to the wiki.
To easily insert a Project Proposal in the AIRWiki go to this special page: Form:ProjectProposal. To get more in depth with details look at the following sections.
Template Documentation
- title:
- image:
- description:
- tutor(s):
- cfumin:
- cfumax:
- studmin:
- studmax:
- resarea:
- restopic:
- level:
- type:
- status:
This should be the source a typical Project Proposal page.
{{ProjectProposal |title=Extending a search engine with semantic information |image=velociraptor.png |description=We are used to keyword-based search engines, where only documents matching the exact words in the query are retrieved... |tutor=DavidLaniado;MarcoColombetti |cfumin=5 |cfumax=20 |studmin=1 |studmax=2 |resarea=Social Software and Semantic Web |restopic=Semantic Search |level=Bs;Ms |type=Course;Thesis |status=Proposal }}
Student Registration
When a Student requests to join a Project, he has to be registered to the wiki. A page for him is automatically created, and it should be filled in with his informations.
To easily insert a Project Proposal in the AIRWiki go to this special page: Form:Student. To get more in depth with details look at the following sections.
Template Documentation
{{ProjectProposal |title=Extending a search engine with semantic information |image=velociraptor.png |description=We are used to keyword-based search engines, where only documents matching the exact words in the query are retrieved... |tutor=DavidLaniado;MarcoColombetti |cfumin=5 |cfumax=20 |studmin=1 |studmax=2 |resarea=Social Software and Semantic Web |restopic=Semantic Search |level=Bs;Ms |type=Course;Thesis |status=Proposal }}