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Interactive games with autonomous robots are one of the most challenging robotic research issues. The robot should involve the player, both physically and behaviorally, while acting in the real world. Past experience of the group is related to Robocup, Edutainment, Rehabilitation. Currently we are also evaluating the possibility to integrate information gathered about the emotional state of people involved in games among the information available to the game controller (in this case a robot), which should emotionally react raising the involvement in the game. First steps in this direction have been done with our rehabilitation robot and with a robot interacting with the remote control of a WII console ROBOWII.

An effective robot player needs to integrate edge technologies from robotics, interaction, and psychology. An interesting hardware (body) should be integrated with the needed functionalities to become a game companion. A set of projects have been started to investigate how to design interactive games with autonomous robots.


Projects on this topic:

Project proposals

Wiki Page: Autistic Children Play Robot
Title: Autistic Children Play Robot
Description: Within a Polisocial project we will have to implement a robot suitable to play autonomously with autistic children that will interact with it and a game system by gestures.

The thesis will explore some of the aspects of the problem, eventually participating to the production of prototypes to be tested with real users. The thesis gives the possibility to develop a robot with special requirements, and to work with gesture interpretation by using devices such as Kinect or the WII Mote. The work is done in an interdisciplinary group including care givers and designers.

Tutor: [[AndreaBonarini | ]] (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , … further results)
Start: 20 January 2015
Students: 1 - 2
CFU: 20 - 20
Research Area: Robotics
Research Topic: Robogames
Level: Master of Science
Type: Thesis

Wiki Page: Robot Games
Title: Robot Games
Description: Projects may include the design of an interactive game on an existing or a new robot, and its evaluation. These projects allow to experiment with real mobile robots and interaction devices. Some games may be designed for disabled children. The project can be considered a MS thesis if it can produce a new game and, possibly, a new robot, and includes adapting the behavior of the robot to the player.
Tutor: [[AndreaBonarini | ]] (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , … further results)
Students: 1 - 2
CFU: 2 - 20
Research Area: Robotics
Research Topic: Robogames
Level: Bachelor of Science, Master of Science
Type: Course, Thesis