[hide]Q: What are bureaucrats and sysops? How do I know if I am one?
A: Bureaucrats and sysops are two classes of AIRWiki users, who possess special privileges. Some administration tasks can only be performed by bureaucrats and/or by sysops (see the questions in this page for some examples). You can check if you are a bureaucrat or a sysop by looking at the user list: special privileges associated to users are specified next to their userid. If you need to become a bureaucrat or sysop for some reason, you have to ask the AIRWiki administrators.
Q: How do I create a new AIRWiki user?
A: Simply go to this page and fill in the form. If you end the procedure by clicking the "by email" button, the new user receives an email notifying the creation of the account, including a temporary password and instructions to change it.
Note: you need to have bureaucrat or sysop privileges to perform this operation.
Q: How do I rename a user?
A: Go to Special:RenameUser and fill the form. Note: you need to have bureaucrat or sysop privileges to perform this operation.
Q: How do I change the password for a user?
A: Go to Special:PasswordReset and fill the form. Note: you need to have sysop privileges to perform this operation.