Detection of objects on the ground using stereo vision.
[hide]Part 1: project profile
Project name
Detection of objects on the ground using stereo vision
Project short description
This project aims to build a stereo rig and a suitable software architecture to exploit the capabilities of a stereo vision system, allowing a detection -and possibly recognition- of objects on the field of view of the cameras
Start date: 2008/10/15
End date: 2009/4/30
People involved
Project head(s)
G. Gini - User:GiuseppinaGini A. Giusti - User:AlessandroGiusti
Other Politecnico di Milano people
Students currently working on the project
Marco Marino - User:MarcoMarino
Students who worked on the project in the past
External personnel
Laboratory work and risk analysis
Laboratory work for this project will be mainly performed in one of the two AIRLabs, basing on the availability of stereo camera and/or other useful tools for stereo vision. The are no risk-related activities since the whole work will be based on the use of cameras.
Part 2: project description
The purpose of the project is to build a system useful for detect and possibly recognize different objects posed in the field of view of the cameras. It will be mainly based on the OpenCV C++ libraries for a direct implementation in robotic environment. The secondary goal of the project is to prepare a knowledge base for my future thesis work at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2009, where the use of stereo vision recognition on the Gryphon robot will be performed.