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Robotic Laser Game
PrjCoordinator User:AndreaBonarini +
PrjDescription The goal of the project is to develop a laser game between flying drones, one of which autonomous and the other remotely controlled.
PrjEnd 30 April 2014  +
PrjLevel Master of Science +
PrjResArea Robotics +
PrjResTopic Robogames +
PrjStart 4 April 2013  +
PrjStatus Closed  +
PrjStudent User:AlbertoVettolani + , User:MarcoVisconti +
PrjTitle Robotic Laser Game  +
PrjTutor User:AndreaBonarini +
PrjType Thesis +
Categories Project  +
Modification date 24 June 2014 14:25:15  +
redirect page Drone Laser Game  +
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