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Foaf:mbox  +
HasAdvisor User:MarcoColombetti +
HasResArea Social Software and Semantic Web +
UserStatus inactive  +
Categories PhD  +
Modification date 6 September 2018 12:43:49  +
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User:AndreaMirone + , User:CarloBandera + , User:DanieleMetilli + , User:FabioColzada + , User:FabioGrassani + , User:GiuseppeMangano + , User:GrazianoGraziosi + , User:JacopoFarina + , User:LeonardoBruni + , User:LucaMantovani + , User:MarcoBessi + , User:MarcoDola + , User:MattiaDiVitto + , User:MicheleMonti + , User:RiccardoMocchetti + , User:StefanoInvernizzi + , User:TommasoSoru + , User:VanVungPham + HasAdvisor
Using WordNet to support navigation in a folksonomy + PrjStudent
A Unifying Framework for Semantic Annotation + , A firefox extension for semantic annotations + , A tool to find and store annotations into a unifying semantic ontology + , Annotation aggregators from social applications + , BinaryTags + , Detecting patterns in ontology usage + , Emergent Semantics in Wikipedia + , Enriching search results with semantic metadata + , Extending a search engine with semantic information + , Extending a wiki with semantic templates + , Facebook Automatic List Suggestion + , Facebook automatic list suggestion + , Firefox Extension for Semantic Annotation + , Friendship Recommendation System based on a Social Network Topological Analysis + , GeoOntology + , Lastnews + , Mining the Network of Coordination Interactions in Wikipedia + , Mining wikipedia categories + , OWLIE + , SandboxIkeWiki + PrjTutor


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