Tips 'n' tricks
From AIRWiki
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Below you can find some useful ideas or info about common tasks or problems.
- When you are facing a problem, before starting to browse the Internet and scratch your head, take a look to AIRWiki: it's possible that other users already solved it for you. If you don't find the solution on AIRWiki and have to look elsewhere for it (and possibly do a lot of work), when you finish... add it to AIRWiki!
- If you find a page useful and you want to know if someone ever adds other good stuff to it, you can watch the page. Just click on the watch button at the top of the page you're interested in. You will receive an email notification for any update.
Writing and reading
- Give a look at some suggestions for preparing your thesis (only in Italian for now... translators are welcome!).
- You can access all the papers for which Politecnico has bought a subscription even when you are at home if you enable the [Politecnico proxy]. The instruction page is provided by the nice people of [ASI] in Italian only. For an English version of the page, try to poke them if you find a way to contact them.
- For PhDay08 we've set up an Easychair account for paper reviews. Here's a little tutorial for reviewers that might be useful in case you have to review somehing/teach someone how the system works.
Software and programming
- Someone wrote some advice about writing code
- Info about Mathematica
- How to plot using gnuplot in your C/C++ project Gnuplot in cpp
- The ever-growing AIRLab guide about Getting Started With PIC(TM) MCU
- Need to learn how to solder? Check the following links: 1 2 3
- Some useful addresses and links about shops, stores, factories. With some of them we have partnerships for discounts. You can found information here.
Producing videos and publishing them
- Usually, at the end of the project, people tend to produce a video and put it on the web. The best way to do this is to produce a video and then send it to Andrea Bonarini to have it published on the YouTube channel of the AIRLab. Then you can put the link wherever you want, hopefully also in the page of your project on AIRWiki, as done, e.g. in ROBOWII
Miscellanea (uncategorized)
- If you are searching the homepage of a DEI professor (or PhD Student) try this Mozilla plugin