Francesco Amigoni
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[hide]Project and thesis proposals
Agents and Multiagent Systems
Wiki Page: 3D Scene Understanding Title: 3D Indoor scene understanding and layout reconstruction for a mobile robot in collaboration with UnimiB Methods for indoor layout reconstruction must be significantly more tolerant to missing data than their outdoor counterparts, since environments such as offices and apartments exhibit extremely high levels of clutter, which typically results in heavy occlusions of walls and other structures of interest, large-scale artifacts, noise and missing data. The proposed work will be developed in collaboration with IRALAB, the Robotics Lab of University of Milano Bicocca. The work will be based on an existing project, Free Your Camera ( and will be part of a robotic framework based on with ROS and in development at IRALAB. |
Robotics and Computer Vision
Wiki Page: 3D Scene Understanding Title: 3D Indoor scene understanding and layout reconstruction for a mobile robot in collaboration with UnimiB Methods for indoor layout reconstruction must be significantly more tolerant to missing data than their outdoor counterparts, since environments such as offices and apartments exhibit extremely high levels of clutter, which typically results in heavy occlusions of walls and other structures of interest, large-scale artifacts, noise and missing data. The proposed work will be developed in collaboration with IRALAB, the Robotics Lab of University of Milano Bicocca. The work will be based on an existing project, Free Your Camera ( and will be part of a robotic framework based on with ROS and in development at IRALAB. |
List of advised PhD students
List of advised Bs/Ms students: