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Revision as of 13:03, 24 March 2015 by DavidLaniado (Talk | contribs)
David Laniado
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PhD in the area of Social Software and Semantic Web.
PhD thesis: Social production of knowledge by online communities (ended in March 2012).
Now working at Barcelona Media.
- Erik Borra, David Laniado, Esther Weltevrede, Michele Mauri, Giovanni Magni,Tommaso Venturini, Paolo Ciuccarelli, Richard Rogers, Andreas Kaltenbrunner (2015). A Platform for Visually Exploring the Development of Wikipedia Articles. ICWSM '15 - 9th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, Oxford, UK, May 2011.
- Erik Borra, Esther Weltevrede, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Michele Mauri, David Laniado, Richard Rogers, Paolo Ciuccarelli, Giovanni Magni, Tommaso Venturini (2015). Societal Controversies in Wikipedia Articles. CHI '15 - Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seoul, Corea, April 2015.
- Young-Ho Eom, Pablo Aragón, David Laniado, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Sebastiano Vigna, Dima L Shepelyansky (2015). Interactions of cultures and top people of Wikipedia from ranking of 24 language editions. To appear in PLoS ONE.
- Yana Volkovich, David Laniado, Karolin Kappler and Andreas Kaltenbrunner (2014). Gender patterns in a large online social network. SocInfo '14 - The 6th International Conference on Social Informatics, Barcelona, Spain, November 2014
- Ruth Garcia Gavilanes, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Diego Sáez, Pablo Aragón Aragón, David Laniado and Ricardo Baeza-Yates (2014). Who are my Audiences? A Study of the Evolution of Target Audiences in Microblogs. SocInfo '14 - The 6th International Conference on Social Informatics, Barcelona, Spain, November 2014
- Daniela Iosub, David Laniado, Carlos Castillo, Mayo Fuster Morell, Andreas Kaltenbrunner (2014). Emotions under Discussion: Gender, Status and Communication in Online Collaboration. PLoS ONE 9(8): e104880.
- Janette Lehmann, Claudia Müller-Birn, David Laniado, Mounia Lalmas and Andreas Kaltenbrunner (2014). Reader Preferences and Behavior on Wikipedia, HT '14 - 25th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, Santiago, Chile, September 2014.
- Nils Markusson, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, David Laniado, Tommaso Venturini (2013). Bounding Boundaries: The Construction of Geoengineering on Wikipedia. Climate Geoengineering Governance Working Paper Series: 005.
- Jessica J. Neff, David Laniado, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Karolin Kappler, Yana Volkovich, Pablo Aragón (2013). Jointly they edit: Examining the impact of community identification on political interaction in Wikipedia. PLoS ONE 8(4): e60584.
- Pablo Aragon, Karolin Kappler, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, David Laniado and Yana Volkovich (2013). Communication Dynamics in Twitter During Political Campaigns: The Case of the 2011 Spanish National Election. Policy & Internet, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp 49-69.
- Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Pablo Aragón, David Laniado and Yana Volkovich (2013). Not all paths lead to Rome: Analysing the network of sister cities. IWSOS 2013 - 7th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, May 2013.
- Marijn ten Thij, Yana Volkovich, David Laniado and Andreas Kaltenbrunner. Modeling and predicting page-view dynamics on Wikipedia. arXiv:1212.5943, ECCS '13 - European Conference on Complex Systems, Barcelona, Spain, December 2012.
- David Laniado, Carlos Castillo, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Mayo Fuster-Morell (2012). Emotions and dialogue in a peer-production community. WikiSym '12 - 8th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration, Linz, Austria, August 2012.
- Andreas Kaltenbrunner and David Laniado (2012). There is No Deadline - Time Evolution of Wikipedia Discussions. WikiSym '12 - 8th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration, Linz, Austria, August 2012.
- Pablo Aragon, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, David Laniado and Yana Volkovich (2012). Biographical Social Networks on Wikipedia - A cross-cultural study of links that made history. WikiSym '12 - 8th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration, Linz, Austria, August 2012.
- Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Salvatore Scellato, Yana Volkovich, David Laniado, Dave Currie, Erik J. Jutemar, Cecilia Mascolo (2012). Far from the eyes, close on the Web: impact of geographic distance on online social interactions. WOSN '12 - ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Online Social Networks, Helsinki, Finland. August 2012.
- Yana Volkovich, Salvatore Scellato, David Laniado, Cecilia Mascolo and Andreas Kaltenbrunner (2012). The length of bridge ties: structural and geographic properties of online social interactions. ICWSM '12 - 6th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Dublin, Ireland, June 2012.
- Pablo Aragón, Jessica Gould, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Karolin Kappler, David Laniado, Ricardo Ruiz de Querol, Carlos Ullod and Yana Volkovich (2012). Bridging the Gap: A Reflection on an Interdisciplinary Approach to Social Media Research. Web Science track, 21th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW '12), Lyon, France, April 2012.
- David Laniado, Riccardo Tasso, Yana Volkovich and Andreas Kaltenbrunner (2011). When the Wikipedians Talk: Network and Tree Structure of Wikipedia Discussion Pages. ICWSM '11 - 5th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Barcelona, Spain, July 2011.
- David Laniado and Riccardo Tasso (2011). Co-authorship 2.0: Patterns of collaboration in Wikipedia. HT '11 - 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 2011.
- Jacopo Farina, Riccardo Tasso and David Laniado (2011). Automatically assigning Wikipedia articles to macro-categories. HT '11 - 22nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 2011.
- David Laniado and Peter Mika (2010). Making sense of Twitter. ISWC '10 - The 9th International Semantic Web Conference, Shanghai, China, November 2010.
- Alexandre Monnin, Freddy Limpens, Fabien Gandon and David Laniado (2010). Speech acts meet tagging : NiceTag ontology. I-SEMANTICS '10: 6th International Conference on Semantic Systems, Graz, Austria, September 2010.
- Alexandre Monnin, Freddy Limpens, Fabien Gandon and David Laniado (2010). L'ontologie NiceTag: les tags en tant que graphes nommés, Atelier Web Social, 10ième Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances (EGC '10), Hammamet, Tunisia, 2010.
- Freddy Limpens, Alexandre Monnin, David Laniado and Fabien Gandon (2009). Nicetag ontology: tags as named graphs. ISNI '10: 1st International Workshop on Social Networks Interoperability, Shanghai, China, December 2009.
- David Laniado and Davide Eynard and Marco Colombetti (2007). Using WordNet to turn a folksonomy into a hierarchy of concepts. SWAP '07: Semantic Web Application and Perspectives - Fourth Italian Semantic Web Workshop, Bari, Italy, December 2007.
- David Laniado and Davide Eynard and Marco Colombetti (2007). A semantic tool to support navigation in a folksonomy. HT '07: 18th conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Manchester, UK, September 2007.
Tutored projects
- Wikipedia Category Graph (Automatically assigning Wikipedia articles to macrocategories)
- Wikipedia Category Map (Wikipedia Category Map)
- Emergent Semantics in Wikipedia (Emergent Semantics in Wikipedia)
- Wikipedia Folksonomy (Studying Wikipedia as a Folksonomy)
- Enriching search results with semantic metadata (Enriching search results with semantic metadata)
- SeQuEx (SeQuEx - Semantic Query Expansion)
- GeoOntology (Geographic Ontology for a semantic wiki)
- SandboxIkeWiki (A sandbox ontology system for the semantic wiki IkeWiki)
- BinaryTags (Binary tag system for the creation of relations in a semantic wiki)
- Extending a wiki with semantic templates (Extending a wiki with semantic templates)
Other projects