
From AIRWiki
Revision as of 09:22, 21 December 2009 by AndreaBonarini (Talk | contribs) (Affective Computing)

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This page is a repository of links to the pages describing the projects we are currently working on at AIRLab. See the list of our finished projects on the Finished Projects page.

Ongoing projects

by research area (areas are defined in the Main Page); for each project a name and a link to its AIRWiki page is given

Agents, Multiagent Systems, Agencies

Strategic Robot Patrolling
Evolutionary game theory for biology
Game theoretic analysis of electric power
Algorithms for computing equilibria
Multiagent cooperating system
Planning in Ambient Intelligence scenarios
Real-Time Strategy Games

BioSignal Analysis

Affective Computing

Brain-Computer Interface
Automatic Detection Of Sleep Stages
Analysis of the Olfactory Signal
Classification of EMG signals

Computer Vision and Image Analysis

Machine Learning

Evolutionary Computation

Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence


Robot development


Bio Robotics


Navigation Strategies

Social Software and Semantic Web

Extracting Knowledge From Social Networks
Semantic Tagging
Semantic Search

Past projects

BioSignal Analysis

Affective Computing
Brain-Computer Interface


April Fool's projects

Following the RFC tradition, here is our April Fool's project page.

Note for students

If you are a student and there isn't a page describing your project, this is because YOU have the task of creating it and populating it with (meaningful) content. If you are a student and there IS a page describing your project, you have the task to complete that page with (useful and comprehensive) information about your own contribution to the project. Be aware that the quality of your work (or lack of it) on the AIRWiki will be evaluated by the Teachers and will influence your grades.

Instructions to add a new project or to add content to an existing project page are available at Projects - HOWTO.